A Quiet Disposition
A Quiet Disposition is an ongoing project exploring technology, culture and warfare via an online database and a physical installation.
Since 2013, aquietdisposition.com has been gathering information about unmanned aerial vehicles ("drones"), and compiling this information into a vast and ever-expanding database.
"The Disposition Matrix" is a term first revealed in 2013 and used by the US Government for its intelligence-gathering and targeting processes. Overseen by the National Counterterrorism Center and in development for some time, the Matrix is usually described as a database for generating capture and "kill lists", but the criteria for both adding to and acting on the information in the database is not public.
A Quiet Disposition was first developed for an exhibition, Coded Conduct, at Pilar Corrias gallery in London in April 2013, where it was presented as a set of ten "Disposition Matrix" books, each containing a snapshot of 250 such name pairs identified by the database, together with texts generated automatically by the system in an attempt to make sense of them. Alongside the books, a visualisation of the decision engine in process runs constantly, querying the database and producing new pairings based on the connections it is constantly identifying. The database has since been expanded with the support of the Open Data Institute, and continues to grow.