Solar Panels (Radiolaria Series)
The Solar Panels (Radiolaria Series) are a collection of functional 100W Photovoltaic generators, engraved with enlarged microscopic images of radiolaria: microscopic sea creatures who construct elaborate mineral skeletons from silica. The Radiolaria were first described, and famously illustrated, by the German naturalist Ernst Haeckel, who coined the term ‘ecology’ in 1866. Recent optical research has shown that certain forms of engraving can increase the efficiency of solar photovoltaic panels, by trapping certain frequencies of light which would otherwise be reflected.
Solar Panel 001 (Anthocyrtium hispidum)
Solar Panel 002 (Caclocyma petalospyris)
Solar Panel 003 (Heliodiscus umbonatus)
Solar Panel 004 (Hexastylus triaxonius)
Solar Panel 005 (Stylodicta clavata)